You’re Welcome, America!

Selamat datang para pembaca pada artikel kami You’re Welcome, America! yang kami bagikan melalui media informasi online yang kami beri nama Mas Lelur, Disini kami mencoba untuk membagikan segala informasi yang kami dapatkan untuk dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi para pembaca kami. berikut ini selengkapnya tentang informasi yang kami maksudkan tentang You’re Welcome, America!

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You’re Welcome, America!

Congratulations to the Seattle Seahawks, and to everyone who won money betting on them using our never-fail chicken wing bone prediction! Incredibly, that makes 48 Super Bowls in a row that the bones have been correct! I realize that’s very hard to believe, but in fairness, lots of things are very hard to believe. 

Anyway, you’re more than welcome, and if you did win big, please feel free to break me off a little something. These chicken wings don’t pay for themselves! ;) Enjoy!

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