Chef John’s Taking a Break!
Selamat datang para pembaca pada artikel kami Chef John’s Taking a Break! yang kami bagikan melalui media informasi online yang kami beri nama Mas Lelur, Disini kami mencoba untuk membagikan segala informasi yang kami dapatkan untuk dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi para pembaca kami. berikut ini selengkapnya tentang informasi yang kami maksudkan tentang
Chef John’s Taking a Break!
I’ll be off for a week, and by “off,” I really mean “off.” While comments will be published, I will not be monitoring the blog while out, so when it comes to cooking questions, you’ll be at the mercy of fellow foodwishers and Google. Good luck with that. Anyway, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, and I look forward to getting back to work next week. Enjoy!
Chef John’s Taking a Break!
One of the things I love about my partnership with is that they actually make me take these things called, “vacations.” Apparently these periodic breaks are quite common in corporate America, and supposedly help the employee relax, rest, and recharge. Since I’m going to be golfing, that’s not going to happen, but still, I appreciate the time.I’ll be off for a week, and by “off,” I really mean “off.” While comments will be published, I will not be monitoring the blog while out, so when it comes to cooking questions, you’ll be at the mercy of fellow foodwishers and Google. Good luck with that. Anyway, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving, and I look forward to getting back to work next week. Enjoy!