Crab-Stuffed Sole – Rolling in Excitement

Crab-Stuffed Sole – Rolling in Excitement

There is nothing exciting about sole. It’s cheap, easy to find, has a mild, unremarkable flavor, and…that’s about it. It’s the Pabst Blue Ribbon of seafood. Which means it’s the perfect candidate for jazzing up by stuffing with crab.

The sole filets I used here were a little smaller than I would have liked, and I probably over-stuffed them a bit, which will increase the chances they will split along the natural seams in the flesh, especially if you roll too tight. As you can see, it’s not a big deal, and doesn’t alter the taste, but I did want to point it out.

As far as the trick I mentioned for covering cracks; all you need to do is save a little of your lemon-mayo mixture, and near the end of the cooking time (when the seams begin to split), pipe it into any unsightly crevices. Then, turn on the broiler, and give the top a quick browning to hide the evidence. I think these looked fine as is, and for a regular dinner I wouldn’t bother, but for those fancier parties, it’s not a bad idea.

I hope it’s pretty obvious that this technique would work for hundreds of other filling, as well as with any thin, white, roll-able fish. These are also great since you can make them well ahead of time, and then just sauce and bake when you’re ready to party. I hope you give these delicious crab-stuffed sole filets a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 portions:
6 sole filets (12 ounces)
salt to taste
For the filling:
4 oz crabmeat
2 tsp minced green onion
1 tbsp finely diced poblano pepper
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1 tbsp panko breadcrumbs
For the sauce:
1/3 cup mayonnaise
2 tsp finely grated lemon zest
cayenne to taste
- Bake at 400 F. for 15-20 minutes, or until cooked through
Whole Wheat Ciabatta – Not Bad, Which is Great!

Whole Wheat Ciabatta – Not Bad, Which is Great!

I’ve never had much of a taste for whole wheat bread, which is not surprising if you grew up during the Wonder Bread years. Whole wheat flour is significantly stronger tasting, and its earthy, bitter aftertaste is the reason white flour is the much preferred choice for, well, everything.

Besides the taste, it’s also a little harder to work with, and fairly easy to turn out something with a density that would make a brick blush. But, thanks to many years of requests, I decided to give the old no-knead ciabatta a higher-fiber makeover. Since I don’t have much whole wheat baking experience, I did what any good chef would do…I didn’t do any research, and just tried to figure it out.

I was quite happy with the taste and texture, and going 50/50 with the all-purpose flour provided just enough of that crusty, chewy “normal” bread experience, and we still get a decent amount of whole grain.

The procedure is straightforward, but as I point out in the video, pay attention to when you start. I recommend doing the sponge in the afternoon, mixing the dough at night, and baking it in the morning. Speaking of which, be sure to dust your dough with flour before covering. I didn’t, and had a little sticking problem.

I know many of you have made and enjoyed the traditional ciabatta bread we posted, so I’m looking forward to hearing from those of you who give this whole wheat version a try. Please let me know, and as always, enjoy!

For the sponge:
1 cup tepid water
1/4 tsp dry active yeast
1 oz (1/4 cup) rye flour (you can sub wheat flour)
2.25 oz (about 1/2 cup) all-purpose flour
2.25 oz (about 1/2 cup) whole wheat flour
let sit until very bubbly, about 5 hours

Then add:
1/2 cup room temp water
1 3/4 tsp fine salt
1 1/2 tsp honey
1 tbsp polenta
1 tbsp ground flax seed
2 tbsp shelled sunflower seeds
4.5 oz (about 1 cup) all-purpose flour
4.5 oz (about 1 cup) whole wheat flour
-Bake at 450 F. for 30-35 minutes
Spaghetti Al Tonno – Nothing Fishy About This “Meat” Sauce

Spaghetti Al Tonno – Nothing Fishy About This “Meat” Sauce

Spaghetti al tonno is one of my all-time favorite "go to" pasta dishes, and I hope this re-make of an old video helps make it one of yours. I did a very similar spaghetti with spicy tuna sauce for a long time ago, but never got around to doing an official Food Wishes version.

Having said that, there really is no “official” recipe, as this is the type of dish that gets made a little differently every time. Not different on purpose, mind you, but different since that’s what happens when you cook without written recipes, which by the way, is the recommended method. 

I love a classic meat sauce as much as the next half-Italian, but when I want something quick and easy for a weeknight meal, I reach for the tuna. By the time you bring a pot of water to a boil, choose a wine, and cook your pasta, the sauce should be done. What if all that sounds great, but you don’t like fish? Then, this is perfect.

As I say in the video, the taste and texture is really closer to a veal sauce, than one made with fish. Above and beyond the non-fishy flavor, this is also lower in fat and calories, in case you’re into that kind of thing. So, the next time you’re in the mood for a quick spaghetti with “meat” sauce, I hope you give this delicious pasta sauce a try. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 Portions Spaghetti Al Tonno:
2 tbsp olive oil
1 anchovy filet
2 tablespoons capers
3 cloves minced garlic
1/2 cup white wine (Note: if you can’t use wine, don’t. Use a splash of stock)
3 cups crushed San Marzano tomatoes
red pepper flakes, to taste
1/4 tsp dried oregano
salt, pepper, and cayenne to taste
7 ounces oil-packed tuna, drained (reserve and use oil!)
1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley
12 ounces dry spaghetti
Parmigiano-Reggiano for top
When I Think March, I Think Peanuts

When I Think March, I Think Peanuts

For some arbitrary reason, March is National Peanut Month, and to help kick it off, here are a couple of video recipes that feature this great American legume. You can’t beat a warm stew on a cold night, and they don’t get much warmer than red beef curry. The peanuts may seem like a minor player, but they make the dish.

If you want your peanuts more liquid than solid, then by all means, check out this great, and very easy satay dipping sauce. You seriously can’t run out of things to stick in there. 

I hope you give them a try soon, and here’s wishing you a happy and safe National Peanut Month. Click on the titles if you want to read the original post, and see the ingredients. Enjoy!

Cara Menambah Followers Twitter Dengan Cepat Dan Mudah

Cara Menambah Followers Twitter Dengan Cepat Dan Mudah

Twitter adalah sosial media yang sudah tidak asing lagi bagi para kalangan muda di Indonesia, hampir sebagian besar pengguna twitter adalah para kawula muda baik itu pelajar dan mahasiswa. Pengguna twitter tidak hanya dari kalangan orang biasa, bahkan selebritis maupun pejabat juga banyak yang menggunakan twitter dan akir-akir ini twitter banyak digunakan oleh mereka yang terjun di dunia politik untuk berkampanye.

Tercatat beberapa politikus Indonesia aktif menggunakan twitter antara lain ketua DPR RI, politikus PDIP sekaligus wakil DPR RI dan sejumlah pejabat lainnya. 

Bagi para politkus yang sudah dan akan terjun ke dunia politik twitter adalah sarana yang cukup baik untuk menyampaikan visi dan misi pada kampanye politiknya tentu saja ini dimaksudkan untuk mendulang suara dari si Caleg hal ini terjadi karena jumlah partisipan golput ( golongan putih ) dalam setiap pilleg, pilkada adalah dari genrasi muda.

Bagi Anda yang ingin memanfaatkan teitter untuk sarana berjualan juga sangat bisa, tentunya untuk berjualan ataupun untuk bersosialisasi kampanye politik seorang yang menggunakan twitter harus memiliki follower yang jumlahnya tidak sedikit, semakin banyak follower apa yang Anda sampaikan dalam twitter relatif akan banyak di lihat oleh follower Anda. Lalu bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan follower twitter dengan cepat dan mudah serta benar-benar follower manusia bukan boot? Oke langsung saja kita bahas dalam tutorial kali ini.

Pada turorial Cara Menambah Followers Twitter Dengan Cepat Dan Mudah kali ini kita menggunakan web yang yang dikenal dengan Twiitclub. Cara kerja twitclub adalah saat Anda memfollow otomatis akun yang anda follow akan memfollow back Anda. untuk caranya adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Masuk ke web twit club di :
  • Lakukan registrasi dengan akun twitter yang sudah Anda miliki 
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Kelebihan dan Kekurangan :
Kelebihan dari twitclub ini adalah Anda bisa memilih market usia yang Anda inginkan, interest pemilik akun twitter dengan masuk ke club tertentu misal club tetang fotography berarti club ini bisa anda gunakan untuk berjualan produck photography.

Kekurangan : Dengan bergabung di twitclub berarti Anda akan secara otomatis akan siap memfollow akun yang mungkin tidak sesuai dengan intersert anda. dalam hal ini Anda bisa mengunfollow akun yang tidak Anda sukai.